Children’s Ministry
Let the little children come to me.– Matthew 19:14

This group is made especially for our precious little ones ages birth-3 years old. They receive lots of love and care while you grow in your faith attending Sunday School and church.

Word and Table
The second Sunday of each month at 9:15 am Brother Matt shares a Bible story and Holy Communion with the kids!

This group is made especially for our precious little ones ages birth-3 years old. They receive lots of love and care while you grow in your faith attending Sunday School and church.

A fun Sunday School hour beginning at 9:00 am for kids ages 4 years old-6th grade. Here the kids will learn in a variety of different ways, including an eye catching multimedia presentation during large group. During small group, the kids play games that expand on the lesson and scripture. Your kids will have a blast with their friends while learning about Jesus!

Children's Church
Mrs. Ashley gives a short Children’s Moment during 10:00 am Sunday morning Worship On-Campus and Online followed by Children’s Church for kids 4+ On Campus (Room E101).

Wacky Wednesday
An after school ministry for K-6th grade complete with bus pick up from Wetumpka public schools and children’s choir at 4:30 pm. Pick up times are at 5:15 or 6:00 p.m. (if your child stays for dinner.) Dinner is a suggested donation of $4.00/meal, and parents are encouraged to join the fellowship. Nursery is available 6:00-7:00 p.m. on Wednesdays.

Jesus Crew
Meets the second Sunday of each month for an exciting time that includes the whole family! Meeting time depends on the event planned. It could be a pizza party, an afternoon at the park, or a hayride. The possibilities are endless! Watch for updates on upcoming outdoor field trips!
Looking for a church home?
We would love to have you and your kids join us! Please contact me with any questions! I look forward to meeting you and your family!
Contact Mrs. AshleySunday School
4 yrs old – 6th grade | 9:20 am
Birth – 3 yrs old
K – 6th grade | 3:00-5:15 pm
Dinner Available
5:15 – 6:00 pm
6:00 – 7:00 pm
Wednesday Registration
FUN, energetic adults to be a vital part of our AWESOME Children's Ministry team! Contact us for more information about how YOU can make a difference in our kids' lives.
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