T-Shirt Payment
Choose a Payment Method:
Note: Orders will be fulfilled in the order that payment is received.
Pay Online:
Use the "Give" page on our website using the button below. Once the "Give" page loads, click "Give Now."
- $15 per t-shirt
- $3 per Popsocket
Note: Be sure to designate the gift for "Youth Ministry" in the "Give To" field.
- $15 per t-shirt
- $3 per Popsocket
Note: Be sure to designate the gift for "Youth Ministry" in the "Give To" field.
Pay by Mail:
Mail a check or cash to FUMC Wetumpka and be sure to note that the funds are for Student Ministry t-shirt(s).
- $15 per t-shirt
- $3 per Popsocket
Mail checks and cash to:
FUMC Wetumpka
Attn: Jamie Farquhar
306 W. Tuskeena St.
Wetumpka, Alabama 36092
- $15 per t-shirt
- $3 per Popsocket
Mail checks and cash to:
FUMC Wetumpka
Attn: Jamie Farquhar
306 W. Tuskeena St.
Wetumpka, Alabama 36092
Drop Off a Payment:
Visit FUMC Wetumpka to drop off your t-shirt payment. Be sure to note that the funds are for Student Ministry t-shirt(s). T-shirts are $15 per t-shirt.
Deliver to:
FUMC Wetumpka
306 W. Tuskeena St.
Wetumpka, Alabama 36092
Deliver to:
FUMC Wetumpka
306 W. Tuskeena St.
Wetumpka, Alabama 36092